Next Retreat- Mount Washington, MA, Oct. 18-20, 2024 THEME: Present

Feb. 9, 2020- Sunday Story: The Shipping Muscles

HAPPY Full Moon! The Leo/ Snow Super Moon!

Last week I did not ship my Sunday story. I maximized all my shipping muscles and was out of gas. Out of gas to me means that I made the thing...but it was too much lift to put it in the world. So at the bottom of this post, you will find two of the additional videos I made along the way. They are raw and vulnerable and I am fired up.

This week I attended an amazing meeting between two powerhouse not-for-profit organizations in Boston, the YMCA of Greater Boston and MetCo. Our hope is to secure significant funding to ensure that a project we are working on is able to reach the maximum positive impact on all the children we serve. This was a ship that I have been working on for about a year, the Association I worked for grabbed the ball and is taking the dream to the next level...stay tuned!

Sixty members of the Camp Community from North Woods, Pleasant Valley, Sandy Island, and NW/PVC Family Camp came together with a few of our staff to work on building a stronger camp community for all. We are working together to honor our past, strengthening our present and preparing for our future. Four members of our community flew in for this meeting, we have four groups working on separate camps, and all of the members traveled and made plans for their family to join us for the day. I am beyond grateful and am sure that this move will do great things for all of the camps.

This ship is five years in the making. I was the interim Executive Director in summer 2015, and took the helm in October of 2015. I am so grateful for all board members' past, present and future. This crew is going to do some amazing work to support these camps. Zoom in on these amazing faces to see the playful, go get it, energetic passion that each and everyone in this group has their Camp.

Lastly, last week my amazing design and editing team gathered at my house to celebrate the birth of the project "The Art of Conscious Evolution: A Journey from Root to Possibility and Back Again" It is a deck of cards made from my art and a hardcover journal in a box set. The final design was shipped to the print broker in California on Saturday and we are in the next big step in this project. This project began almost ten years ago, it is a big ship.
Also, I coach for the altMBA when I can, and I was coaching in January of this year. It is such an amazing gift to part of this community. 100% the best educational experience I have ever been a part of, and that wrapped up (A five-week sprint) this past week. That is a constant ship, for five weeks straight. You learn where to put the tired and just ship. You learn to overcome the imposter and to just ship. You take a posture of being generous, professional, empathetic, and all in for five weeks and you ship, even when you feel drunk because you are so tired. 

AND...last weekend I was able to go out with a group of my friends...god bless them for being my friend. I am a loud, outgoing, very passionate, loquacious friend...and they still make me feel loved, excepted, and like I belong.

AND with all this going on, the moment that made my eyes water the most, was when my boys (Bob, Cooper, and Finn) came into Loretta's Last Call near Fenway. My husband and sister-in-law Lorrie help me so much. They take care of these two crazy boys so that I can do all of this stuff. My heart is wide open when I am with my boys. Every moment that I am with them and present are the greatest gifts. 

Here is my passionate walk-in camp where I share a 37 min. video about what happened this week...all the details.

Here is a video I made last week about my passionate rant about "Why our YMCA Camp & MetCo."

I had two other videos, but they are not making the cut... XOXO.

This is the second week of Abundance in the Club of Conscious Evolution.

This is the definition of the Abundance Painting.

This is an image of a jar filled to the brim with large rocks, small pebbles, grains of sand, and water. Everything fits perfectly if you put the large rocks in first, but not if you start with a full jar of water.

Abundance is being full of what you desire. There is more than enough, and room for everything. Be clear about your big rocks.

Mantra: There is room for everything I desire.

I'd say....this is true.



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